Published Chapters
An exploratory study of Japanese children learning Circle Sounds: A Phonics to whole word scaffolding system.
This paper is a paraphrase of my master's dissertation written as part of my MSc TESOL (TEYL) degree from Aston University, England. The development of Circle Sounds, a phonics to whole-word scaffolding system, resulted from the frustration of attempting to teach phonics and whole-word approaches to literacy concurrently. This paper deals with teaching the sounds of the English language, a compliment to my primary interest of using music in the young learner classroom to teach EFL.
Thain, L.A. (2015). An exploratory study of Japanese children learning Circle Sounds: A Phonics to whole-word scaffolding system. In C.N Giannikas, L. McLaughlin, G. Fanning, & N Deutsch Muller. (Eds.). Children learning English: From research to practice. Reading, UK: Garnet Publishing Ltd.
A window into composing musical materials for young English language learners.
Musical materials must be carefully designed to be appropriate for and accessible to young learners. In this chapter I explain how I write songs and chants for young English language learners. By providing this window into the creative process, I aim to alert teachers to what must be kept in mind when "choosing and using" effective musical materials for the language classroom.
Thain, L.A. (2016). A window into composing musical materials for young English language learners. In Carmen Fonseca-Mora & Mark Grant (Eds.). Melodies, rhythm and cognition in foreign language learning. Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
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